Tc Helicon Voicelive Voice Live 3 Vocal Effects Processor (996362005TCHELICON)
Why you need the TC Helicon Voicelive 3:
VoiceLive3 integrates features from the previous VoiceLive models with their superior guitar effects stomp box collection. Looping effects and 100’s of presets are just part of the stack of features included from the previous VoiceLive2, along with newer features created just for the VoiceLive3, like Pedal, Fixed, and Mixed-Mode Harmony to expand your selection of vocal options and the classic, but flexible Vocoder feature that incorporates polyphonic synth and robot settings, so your voice can “morph” into the sound of the instrument you play.
- Complete vocal suite with next generation harmony processing, effects and tonal quality
- TC Electronic stomp box effects, Amp-Tones and dedicated stereo amp outputs to integrate fully with your guitar rig
- Powerful 3-phrase looping lets you create and store entire songs on-the-fly
- NEW! Exciting new Harmony modes – Pedal, Fixed, and Mixed-Mode – for expanded voicing and musical possibilities
- NEW! Authentic Vocoder with voice-controlled polyphonic synth and robot modes
- 200+ factory presets, with onboard storage for 500 presets in total.
- Download and manage more presets via with TC’s free VoiceSupport app.
This manufacturer’s repack includes the original packaging, manual, and all original accessories.