Mercury Recording Equipment G810 Rack System I with 2.6A PSU
G810 Rack System Mercury D Series
Mercury Recording Equipment Co. is debuting the Mercury D Series G810 Rack System, the first of many products in their new Mercury D Series Line. From the outside, you might think you have seen this product or something similar before, but there is more than meets the eye with the Mercury G810 Rack System. David Marquette and Mercury used a combination of 20 Years experience custom racking vintage modules and new, innovative features to completely reinvent the 500 Rack inside and out with the new, Mercury D Series G810 Rack System.
The Mercury D Series G810 Rack System solves the biggest complaint for users of other ‘500 racks’ in the marketplace, Lack of Power, especially when using products that are not built to the specifications of the ‘500’ Standard. The products not built to that standard take more then their share of the power to work, which in turn causes problems with all other modules in the rack. This is not an issue with the Mercury D Series G810 Rack System.
The power specification for Mercury D Series G810 Rack System is much higher than the spec of the ‘500’ Standard. Providing more power does not solve the power problems of ‘500’ Racks, so, Mercury successfully designed a better Power Structure not just providing more amps/watts. Mercury designed the Mercury Power Regulation Circuit as a solution to ‘500’ Rack power problems. The Mercury Power Regulation Circuit is not only in the rack, it is on every channel of the rack offering individual regulation per channel. The Mercury D Series G810 Rack System is the first ‘500’ Rack to have this feature and is why we feel this is not only a better rack but a better system overall. The Mercury Power Regulation Circuit allows each channel to be isolated from the channel next to it or any other channel in the rack, which will protect from faults or emissions from problematic modules. No module in the Mercury D Series G810 Rack System shares DC power with another module in the rack.
In addition of the Mercury Power Regulation Circuit, there is also the Mercury Soft Start Circuit featured in the Mercury D Series G810 Rack System as well. The Mercury Soft Start Circuit allows power to ‘ramp up’ slowly and will gradually and gently apply voltage to your expensive D Series or ‘500 Series’ modules when you power up. This is better for your modules as well it reduces the danger to woofers that could be damaged with ‘turn-on’ thump when part of a larger system.
It might not be the first thing you think of when buying equipment, but the power for any recording device is the foundation of how it works. In Professional Audio a clean, regulated and abundant power supply affects the headroom of your Preamps, Equalizers and Compressor/Limiters etc… Stable, Abundant, Isolated power simply allows your equipment to work better and avoids cross talk between channels. For example, If you have a rack full of 8 or 10 limiters for drums you are going to hear things distort sooner on peaks if there is not enough power in reserve. We have solved those issues with the Mercury D Series G810 Rack System, allowing you to concentrate on recording music, not calculating the amperage or total power you need in your rack.
Rock Solid Construction
The Mercury D Series G810 Rack System is simply built like a Tank. Featuring thick aluminum rack ears, and a durable steel chassis, for both strength and optimum shielding for internal electronics. Like all Mercury Recording Equipment Co. products, the Mercury D Series G810 Rack System is engineered to be reliable and look good in your studio but built to be road-worthy.
On the back panel of the Mercury D Series G810 Rack System – I there are Gold Pin XLRs (for Channels 1-10) and DB25 (DSUB) connectors for Channels 1-8 to give you choices of how you install your system. The Mercury D Series G810 Rack System – I is rack mountable but you can also use as a Table Top Rack as well. The Mercury D Series Line will have several choices of power supplies to be able to power a single rack or several in the future. The first is the Mercury D Series PSU-1. All Mercury D Series Power Supplies feature Studio Quality, Low Noise, Linear Power designed for Audio. The D Series PSU-1 Power supply is also rack mountable or can sit on the tabletop next to the rack or on the floor etc… You can also mount two D Series PSU-1 Power Supplies together as a dual 1U unit to save valuable rack space, and there are places for optional feet on the bottom if needed.
Plenty of Features
The Mercury D Series G810 Rack System has many features to make your recording experience easier. The G810 Chain Switch (per channel), This switch allows simple, convenient, internal signal flow among modules. Example: If you have a Mic pre in Channel 1 of your Mercury D Series G810 Rack System, an EQ in Channel 2 and a Limiter in Channel 3, you could plug your Microphone cable in the input of Channel 1 and an XLR Cable into the Output of Channel 3 directly to you recording device and engage the Chain Switch on Channel 1 and 2 and they will all be “Chained” together. Note: This also works if you are using DB25 connectors to your patch bay as well. The G810 Link Switch, (per channel), This switch provides ‘Linking’ of modules that support that feature. Ground Lift – The ability to ‘lift’ the ground connection to insure quiet operation in all environments.
The Future
The Mercury D Series G810 Rack System is just the beginning. It is the first part of the Mercury D Series System that will feature Mercury D Series Modules, like Preamps, EQ and Limiters. More, there are new products and problem solving tools for engineers to use to make the gear they already use better. The Mercury D Series G810 Rack System has 10 slots, 1-8 are designed for Mercury D Series or any ‘500 Module’ to be installed, and you can also install these on slots 9 and 10 as well. But in the very near future we will have several Mercury G8 Modules for slot 9 and 10 that will let you do things with the Mercury D Series G810 Rack System to make recording easier and also have choices at your fingertips.