Coleman Audio SR5.1 MKIII Surround Level Control
Why you need the Coleman Audio SR5.1 MK3 Surround Level Control:
The SR5.1MKIII has been upgraded with a 47 position stepped attenuator made exclusively for Coleman Audio. Fold down for stereo and mono capitablity. Front panel channel trims and mute switches allow proper calibration and easy evaluation of signal localization. Inputs are XLR / TRS combo jacks to allow easy interconnection with the A/B5.1 Surround Switcher, or other equipment, in any environment. Outputs are XLR connectors.
- Six balanced inputs on combo XLR / TRS jacks
- Six balanced outputs on XLR’s
- Stepped level control that tracks to .05dB
- Stereo & Mono fold-down
- Individual mute switches
- Individual channel trims