Alva ONK3 Network Optical Cable for MADI 3m
Alva ONK3 Network Optical Cable for MADI 3m
A Single thin Alva fiber-optical MADI cable lets you transmit up to 64 channels of pristine digital audio without any signal loss, electromagnetic disturbance, crosstalk, or hum whatsoever. MADI cable allows for cable runs of over 1.2 miles, without signal loss. Terminated in Simplex SC-Plug connectors, Alva MADI cables are tough and reliable – just what your professional system needs! – Transmits up to 64 channels of digital audio – Approved for use with RME products – Insensitive to electromagnetic disturbance – Can be run parallel to power cables without affecting transmission – No crosstalk or hum – Trust Alva for top-quality MADI cable!Â