Dragon Series by Howard Core DR30-VN 4/4 Violin Outfit, Bow & Case Included
We are proud to introduce the instruments and cases made by Zhonglong Sheng of the famous Sheng Family. The Sheng family is known throughout China and to much of the world for being highly distinguished musicians and instrument makers who take great pride in their artistic craftsmanship. The very maker’s nameZhonglong translates literally to “Dragon”. With the Chinese Year of the Dragon approaching, it is with great enthusiasm that we promote these fine instruments.
In the 1980’s, Zhonglong, along with three of his brothers, created their own violin making workshop with the assistance of Nakazawa, a Japanese business investor. This was the start of the Sheng-Nakazawa Violin Company. Since the beginning, they have been known for consistent quality. There are many secrets that the Sheng family utilizes as they make their masterful instruments. One of the only secrets to success that Zhonglong will share is that after making the instruments he stores them for several years before making them available to the marketplace.
The Dragon instruments are so highly regarded that there have been many occasions where the Sheng family was pressured into making more instruments at a lesser cost to fulfill the growing demands. Never wishing to sacrifice quality for money, the Sheng family continued to make instruments their way: with knowledge, skill, creativity, precision, and above all, passion. The Sheng family combines their rich history of professional playing and accolades with their skilled craftsmanship to manufacture instruments where science and artistry converge to produce a masterful work of art.