Takt E32D 15” Super Maestro Ebony Pear shaped Baton w/ Dot
Takt batons are imported from India, and manufacturered from Talwar Brothers. These high quality batons are lightweight, and come in a variety of different shapes, sizes, and woods. The word TAKT is derived from the German word “täkt“, which has it’s origin from the Latin word “tactus” meaning touch, or sense of touch. TAKT or “täkt” in German is used for measurement of time in music, it denotes a beat or a pulse.
Takt Batons go through a series of quality checks from perfect balancing, to checking alignment with a laser, to polishing and packaging in climate controlled environment to minimize any possibility of warping due to temperature fluctuations. Every TAKT Baton is precisely hand balanced to give the feeling of apparent weightlessness.
Finest, exotic hardwood handles are inlaid with mother of pearl, camel bone, brass and ebony. The handles are glossy polished whereas the shafts are clear glossy or brilliant white. Careful balancing combined with light weight (7-12 grams) gives superb lightning fast response.
This Baton is called the Super Maestro Series, and features a 15″ White Carbon Fibre Shaft, a Pear Shaped handle in Ebony, and a Dot on the handle. A Beautful baton at an amazing price!!!!
As the name suggests the shape of the wooden handle resembles that of a Pear, bulbous at the bottom and tapered towards the top. This shape of baton handles are agronomical and naturally settle between the arch formed when pinching your Thumb and Index fingers. This design is ideal for conductor who need better grip, or for those who will be wearing gloves.
Get ALL your conductor baton needs here at Alto Music.
Get all your conductor batons here, at Alto Music!